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Our Practice is committed to providing a safe, comfortable environment where patients and staff can be confident that best practice is being followed at all times; the safety of everyone is of paramount importance.

If the reason for your appointment involves being examined in an area of the body which you might find embarrassing, or even if it’s just to discuss something you would feel awkward about talking about, we are always very happy to arrange for a chaperone to be present. A chaperone is another person, usually a member of the healthcare team here and usually someone the same gender as yourself, who can be there to give you moral support and make you feel more comfortable about the examination/consultation.

Sometimes the Doctor will suggest having a chaperone present as a matter of routine practice, but you should always feel free to request one yourself as well. It is also ok to express a preference for a male or female doctor at the time of booking the appointment if you wish. No-one will mind at all!

Please refer to our Chaperone Policy shown below for further information